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The Process Characters of CBN Inserts

1. Suit for machining high hardness materials CBN Inserts and PCD Tools are both called ultra-hard cutting tools because of their high hardness, and cbn inserts are mainly suitable for machining high hardness ferrous metal, and the workpiec...


Different Applications of PCD Tools and CBN Tools

Part 1 Composition of PCD (Polycrystalline Diamond) Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) is a synthetic diamond product that is sintering together selected diamond particles with a special technology. It is composed by the diamond and matrix, we p...


BNK30 CBN Inserts-the right choice for machining brake disc

With the rapid development of the auto parts, people recommend higher requirements on the auto parts. And brake disc, as one of the most important parts, it also required high on the product quality. With the increasing competition of brake...


The cutting tools choice for heavy-duty cutting---CBN Insert

With the transformation and upgrading of metallurgical steel, energy and heavy industry, more and more high hardness difficult to process materials, such as casting high-speed steel roll, high-performance high-hardness alloy wear parts bega...


The application of heavy turning rolls with CBN Inserts

Heavy turning is machining the surface of the rolls with large cutting depth. So it will require high on the high temperature red hardness, durability, impact resistance and stable performance because of its high hardness, large margine, lo...

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