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CBN Insert Models for machining rolls from Halnn

With the development of rolling technology, the quality of the roll requirements are more and more strict, so when machining the rolls, it will require high on the cutting tools of machining rolls. For the rolls with high hardness rolls, we...


Coating Insert and the Coatings

Nowadays, with the rapid development of manufacturing technology globalization, the requirements for cutting technology in the machining industry are gradually increasing. The emergence of tool coating to make processing efficiency, accurac...


PCD Tools for machining CFRP

Carbon Finber Reinforced Composite (CFRP) has high strength hardness, high temperature resistance and good anti-fatigue performance. It is widely used in large-scale aircraft, space transportation and other major engineering and new weapon...


The application of hard cutting tools in mechanical cold pr

Traditional superhard cutting tools include Nature Diamond, synthetic diamond and Cubic Boron Nitride. Because of the small amount of the nature diamond, it is difficult to satisfy the increasing of the industry,so many manufacturers begi...


The Relationship of Tool Life and Wear Type of the PCBN Inse

The hardness of PCBN Insert is only second to Diamond Tools, But compared with diamond tools, the Affinity between PCBN Insert and Ferrous metal is so small. When machining ferrous metal, we will choose PCBN Inserts. Compared with ceramic c...

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