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RCGX Tools Machining High Hardness Tungsten Carbide Mill Rol

HALNN is a High-Tech Company Specialized in the Design and Production of Ultra-Hardened Machining Tools, and the Leader in Professional Hard Material Processing Tools in China; the First Company in China to Focus in Researching in New Machi...


Halnn Solid CBN Inserts RCGX Turning 68-85HS HSS Rolls

RCGX Solid CBN Inserts Machining the HSS Rolls...


The Introduction of high speed steel rolls speed parameter

The introduction of slot cutter in the filed of high speed steel rolls High speed steel rolls divided into two hole machining, including the new rolls and repaired rolls. Now introducing them. For new mill rolls grooving : Due to the large...


Cutting Tc rolls and Mill Rolls--Diamond Cutter

With the development regular of metallurgical steel industry, the customers requires is higher and higher for the rolls materials and processing speed. The Wc/Tc rings, one of the most hard metal rolls, were widely applied high speed thread...


Situations with hard turning hardened steel instead of Grind

With the superhard cutting tools widely used in castings industry,we all know that superhard cutting tools are mainly used for high hardness materials in ferrous metal industry, such as high hardness cast iron, hardened steel after heat tre...

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